Orange River and Waterkloof Ranges.
28mm figures for the 1840's & 1850's
Basotho Shields
The Basotho had acquired great quantities of firearms by 1852. These were usually either Brown Bess trade muskets or, more typically, the heavier calibre 'roer', (as the boere called them), a more antiquated Dutch made flintlock typically dating from the mid-to late 1700s. These they used as a primary weapon, whilst continuing to carry their traditional weapons, namely throwing assegais, winged shields and clubs or battle axes. Everything but the shield comes as part of the casting. All of the figures that have a quiver of assegais come supplied with a loose shield. Not all warriors carried a shield, so it's up to you who gets one and who doesn't. They will superglue into place neatly, as illustrated below, if you position them in the recess hard against the quiver, to one side or the other as makes best sense to you. The shields were made of stiffened cowhide, so that there was nothing much to prevent the wings warping. Thus the extremities can legitimately be bent around round a bit, where that helps to get a firmer grip in the superglue. But take it easy: when you set about bending little metal castings there is always a limit beyond which it is not safe to go! Unlike the Zulu, the Basotho did not use shield colours in a regimented fashion, so you would want a random mixture of colours in your wargames units. For inspiration as to colours and patterns of cowhide try googling 'Nguni cows'.
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR2 Mounted Basotho Set I: "Chief Molapo's Band."
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR 3 Mounted Basotho Set II: "Chief Jobo's Band." (Mission Christians)
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR4 Mounted Basotho Set III: 'Traditional Warriors'
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR5 Mounted Basotho Set IV.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR6 Three of the horses have shields slung on their flanks
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR7 Mounted Basotho Set VI. (8 riders only).
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR8 Lt-Gen. the Hon. George Cathcart and officers.
£21.00 £17.50 (ex. VAT) -
OR9 'The Griquas'.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR10 British Infantry, skirmish line in action, officers and headdress variants
£10.00 £8.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR11 British Line Infantry, skirmish line, centre company coatees, Kilmarnocks
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR12 British Line Infantry, skirmish line in action, flank company coatees, Kilmarnocks
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR13 Mounted British Staff Officers
£9.50 £7.92 (ex. VAT) -
OR14 British Command Group.
£15.00 £12.50 (ex. VAT) -
OR16 BASOTHO Horseholders.
£20.50 £17.08 (ex. VAT) -
OR17 Dismounted skirmishers.
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
£32.00 £26.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR20 British infantry at the slope.
£8.00 £6.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR21 12TH Royal Lancers.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR22 12th Royal Lancers, Charging .
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR24 Cavalry officers and personalities.
£28.00 £23.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR25 Cape Mounted Rifles.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR25A Cape Mounted Rifles (1850-53)
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR26 Cape Mounted Rifles (1850-53)
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR26A Cape Mounted Rifles (1850-53)
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR28 Royal Artillery Field Gun and crew.
£21.50 £17.92 (ex. VAT) -
OR29 Mule Borne Rocket Battery.
£27.00 £22.50 (ex. VAT) -
£12.00 £10.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR 33 Generic Northern Nguni musket-armed warriors (13 figs)
£26.00 £21.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR36 74th Highlanders skirmish order.
£32.00 £26.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR37 74th Highlanders Set II 'Firing Line'
£36.00 £30.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR 37A 74th Highlanders Set III
£36.00 £30.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR 37B 74th Highlanders Set IV
£36.00 £30.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR38 Fingo [Mfengu] Skirmishers (16 Figs)
£32.00 £26.67 (ex. VAT) -
£32.00 £26.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR39 74th Regt. & Fort Beaufort Fingo Levy, Comd & Baggage.
£32.75 £27.29 (ex. VAT) -
OR40 7th Dragoon Guards in brass helmets.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR41 7th Dragoon Guards in brass helmets.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR42 Cape Mounted Rifles (1840-49)
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR45 Cavalry Brigade Baggage
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR46 7th Dragoon Guards in watering caps.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
OR48 7th Dragoon Guards Comd I (Brass helmets).
£20.00 £16.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR 49 7th Dragoon Guards Comd II (Watering caps).
£20.00 £16.67 (ex. VAT) -
OR51 Zulu & Matabele Indunas and Casualties
£18.00 £15.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR52 Matabele - Zulu pack 1
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR53 Matabele - Zulu pack 2
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
OR54 Matabele or Zulu Warriors attacking (bareheaded)
£24.00 £20.00 (ex. VAT) -
OR 55 Zulu or Matabele elite or guard Ibutho.
£24.00 £20.00 (ex. VAT) -
IDM01 Union Flags
£5.00 £4.17 (ex. VAT) -
IDM02 Lance Pennons
£5.00 £4.17 (ex. VAT) -
WKF1 Xhosa Ambush
£16.00 £13.33 (ex. VAT) -
WKF2 Xhosa horseholders.
£20.50 £17.08 (ex. VAT) -
WKF3 Mounted Xhosa & Kat River Rebels. 6 riders & 6 horses.
£28.50 £23.75 (ex. VAT) -
WKF4 Xhosa skirmishers.
£24.00 £20.00 (ex. VAT) -
WKF5 Xhosa Attack
£28.00 £23.33 (ex. VAT) -
£17.00 £14.17 (ex. VAT) -
£9.50 £7.92 (ex. VAT) -
WKF8 Amafenkhosi - Xhosa Warriors.
£17.00 £14.17 (ex. VAT) -
£17.00 £14.17 (ex. VAT) -
WKF10 Xhosa command and casualties.
£23.00 £19.17 (ex. VAT) -
WKF11 Xhosa Attacking.
£28.00 £23.33 (ex. VAT)